Introducing the New Co-op Logo!

About This Design Direction
Our store's makeover has brought us a lot of physical improvements. With so many updates taking place, it was only natural that our brand image also saw an update.
The last logo design occurred in the 90's and worked well for that time. But as we embark upon a new chapter in the Co-op's history, we believe that a new, fresh logo has to be part of the story. In the coming days and weeks, you'll notice our brand presence being updated on everything from our store sign and private-label vitamins, to business cards and reusable bags. Click here to view a video of the new sign going up.
About the Branding Firm (GEYRHALTER & COMPANY)
Geyrhalter & Company is a renowned local design firm with a history of creating award winning brands for countless clients. You might recognize their work with Evolution Juice, where they created the packaging and website for one of our bestselling vendors.
We have had a fantastic experience working with Geyrhalter & Company. They have been professional, responsive to our needs, and a true joy to work with.
About This Design Direction
The challenge was creating a brand identity that was professional, yet not corporate. Our aisles are stocked with items from small and independent vendors, many of whom don't have slick, professional packaging. Fortunately, we select vendors based on the quality of their products rather than their design aptitude. The Co-op is different, and our logo needed to convey that difference. This meant pushing the envelope a bit from a design standpoint.
The logo in its entirety feels full of life, maybe at times even busy, representing the market-life and its vendors, employees and shoppers/owners. It also comes a bit closer to an artwork than a traditional corporate logo, something that takes away from simplicity, but adds authenticity.
We have addressed the simplicity in the following ways:
1. The use of "CO-OP" in the logotype.
* This shorter "CO-OP" version gives us more brand unity in that it dovetails with the NCGA "CO-OP" branding found in our store.
* Incorporating "CO-OP" into the logo type is a nod to all the owners/shoppers that refer to us as the "CO-OP" instead of "Co-opportunity."
2. The addition of CO-OPPORTUNITY in the sub-line.
* We kept our name in an easily legible font, and changed the color to draw attention.
Put plainly, the rustic, simple (perhaps even basic) items in this logo make it feel very handmade, very honest. Furthermore, we have maintained the logo's simplicity by shortening our tag-line to "Natural Foods."
Throughout the years, we have heard from countless owners/shoppers that they drove by our store hundreds of times without realizing we sold food. The old logo and tagline weren't successfully conveying what was behind our walls. This lack of clarity regarding our storefront signage is the reasoning behind the shortened and simplified tagline. A commuter driving by our store will not miss "Natural Foods" and subsequently, won't be confused about what we sell.
Rooted in Our History
To fully appreciate the logo, it helps to put it in the context of our Co-op. Co-opportunity grew organically, from its humble beginnings out of a Santa Monica garage in the 70's, to the thriving business it is today. This new mark is meant to maintain the organic, communal nature that defines the Co-op, while also nodding to the history of the logo by borrowing some elements from the last version (i.e. produce).
And when analyzing the logo, you will notice that the letters 'co-op' would not be there without all the items around it. You, the vendors and their items create Us.
Our Co-op is composed of many different elements, working together in unison, to make the store run successfully. To use an analogy, Co-opportunity is like a quilt where each individual piece, when it's interwoven with the other pieces, comes together to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.
This logo invites people in. It makes them peer closer to see how so many different pieces can come together to form "Co-opportunity," much like the store itself.
Basically, this logo is fun, dynamic, a little quirky, and rooted in history and community. Does that remind you of anything?
By Ricardo Chavira
marketing director